Monday, January 28, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis(2)

Most people feel that there is some form of corruption in their government system, but there are only a certain few will actally step up and rally to stop the corruption. V, in V for Vendetta is one of the few. As a citizen of London, he felt underminded. A man he belived in grately attempted to establish Novemeber Fifth as a holiday which helpd fairness, justice, and freedom in high regard. With the broken promises of High Chancellor Adam Sutler, London has been wittled down to nothing more than cruelty, injustice, intolerence ,and opperession.This new outlook on life the government had created portrayed nothing of happiness, justice, or freedom.

V delivers an empowering speech to his viewers. He uses pathos many times to appeal to his London television audience. He wants to make sure viewers feel he is "just as any bloke," and that he too enjoys "comforts of the everyday routine," as well as the "tranquilitly of repitition". With these three simple phrases he is able to appeal to his audience in the sense that they are equal. V wishes to have the audience join him, so he may create a holiday that honors fairness,justice, and freedom. For those that do not wish to help him, he creates a sense of fear by admiting to destroying the Old Bailey. By telling the audience this, he is enstilling fear, which also toys with ones emotions. By having some fear him, it actually makes more people want to join him so no more destrction occurs. People being to think, if he is capable of destroying that tower, what could he do to me?

To even be given the oppurtunity to speak to his fellow citizens, V must take over an entire television studio. By his actions, some people may be able to relate because they feel that the only way they may be seen or heard is through drastic measures. V also mentions a line about men shouting orders into phones, and guns, which shows how is too is vulnerable. By him saying this, it proves he knows the outcome of his current situation. V realizes that the action he took will have to be punished, just as any other person would serve a punishment for taking over a televsion studio, robbing a bank, or stealing a pack of gum.

1 comment:

Mr. Hughes said...

P1: --Name the "man he believed in" for the sake of context
--thesis sentence must mention the rhetorical strategies you plan to discuss

P2: --how are these lines examples of pathos (emotional appeal)? sounds like you meant to write ethos instead?
--very good analysis of ethos and pathos in this paragraph. although you didn't mention ethos specifically (you called it pathos), I see that you understand the purpose of rhetorical analysis
--you must clean up you typos and grammatical errors. proofread before posting please. also, if you type it into MS Word first, the spellcheck will catch your errors

P3: --no need to say, "mentions a line" rephrase
--"and guns" clarify what you mean by these words
--typos make the middle of this paragraph very confusing
--"By him saying this" is awkward..rephrase
--final paragraph is hard to understand. be clear and establish better connections between ideas

Final Thoughts: Your second paragraph is strong, Sarah. Use this second paragraph as a model for your future work in this class. The last paragraph is weak though. You seem to understand the argument and how V's words are intended to create a desire effect within the audience. Good. Tighten up on what I've asked you to work on and we'll be able to move toward the next analysis