Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating is a often used as a way of creating an “unfair advantage” for one or more people in their own interest. Cheating is a term that is less applicable to the breaking of laws which are commonly referred to as fraud or corruption. In all instances cheating is wrong and should not be tolerated (Callahn, David).One should not cheat because cheating is wrong.

One should not cheat because cheating is wrong. Cheating should not be done for three main reasons. The main reason one should not cheat is because cheating is a form of theft. When someone cheats, that person is stealing someone else’s thoughts or ideas ,rather than using their own. This leads to another reason cheating is wrong. When one steals someone else’s thoughts or answers that person does not learn anything at all. The person who helps his fellow friend, classmate, or co-worker cheat is also doing wrong. That person is helping someone to cheat, but in turn will only hurt the cheater because they are not learning anything. If a person is caught cheating, both the cheater and the person who assists the cheater to cheat could receive unforgiving punishments. People know better than to steal goods from stores; therefore they should know that cheating is stealing ideas, and is wrong as well.

One should not cheat. Cheating has many terms but is still an act of trickery and fraud. When you cheat you are taking thoughts and ideas of others and claiming them to be your own. You do not shoplift, which is stealing retail items and is punishable under the federal law, so why would one attempt to steal the ideas and thoughts of others? Just as shoplifting is punishable, cheating is punishable as well. Depending on the severity of each instance depends on the punishment. In a classroom, if students are caught cheating they may receive a zero as their grade on a test or even a referral. In the world of sports, if someone cheats by using non-regulation equipment or through the use of enhancement drugs, the cheater could be punished by lawsuits and jail time, or other serious levels of punishment rather than a failing grade(Callahan,David).

Cheating is wrong no matter the reason or rhyme. By cheating you show a weakness that you are not willing to admit too. Cheating never brings about any good no matter how desperately you are in need of something. You may feel that cheating is the correct answer for the time being but in the long run it can only hurt you.

Callahan, David, and Stuart P. Green. "Cheating." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 7 Apr.-May 2008. 8 Apr. 2008 .
Cupchik, W., and D. J. Atcheson. "Shoplifting." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 3 Apr. 2008. 8 Apr. 2008 .

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