Monday, May 5, 2008


Outfoxed is a movie that portrays the Fox news center in a harsh light. Every person interviewed in the documentary is a former employee of the company and each person tends to have the same views toward the company – it is right winged and highly biased. According to Outfoxed and, an accusation that can accurately be made against the documentary is that Greenwald should have included nonconformist views that accuse a network of having the same uniform appearance or makeup. I believe that this cannot be true. The film showed some of the ways Fox enhanced the program by having pictures in the background of the letters, the O’Reilly Factor with Bill O’Reilly, and even flashing news alerts that were not always the most urgent bits of news.
Lariat claims that Outfoxed that Mr. O’Reilly is a prominent feature in the documentary. One could claim that Fox uses intimidation, being that Mr. Bill O’Reilly is very loud, very tall, and very opinionated. O’Reilly claims that he has only ever told one person to “shut-up.” However, his statement is followed with a long series of aired clips in which Bill tells one guest after the other to shut up. Mr. O’Reilly has a hard time acknowledging the fact that some people see the world differently than he does and turns into a monster when any guest disagrees with him. In one interview shown, O’Reilly went off on one young man who lost his father in the tragic accidents of September 11th. O’Reilly was so outraged at the young man’s political views he almost resulted in physical violence. I belive that in this instance this is true. Fox is aware of what Mr. O’Reilly is doing to his guests and what viewers are seeing at home, but still keeps him on the show because his outlandish acts land viewers and viewers are good news.

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